What’s Your Skinterest?

VACUODERMIE Lymphatic, Detox, Slimming Treatments
State of the Art = True Lymphatic Drainage, Inch Loss and Body Contouring, and sculpting for face, neck and body. A must if you are thinking about liposuction. Vacuodermie uses computerized equipment to allow the technician to work the tissue with using various suction cups while working the cup to vacuum and move along the body or face with certain techniques.It’s action, working from deep down in the tissue toward the skin’s surface helps stimulates natural body functions, activating the micro-circulation. The use of transparent suction cups allows for better targeting of the area treated with constant visual control. Excellent choice for relieving post-surgical or simple edema and for providing local fluid resorption and fatigue relief. Disposes of toxins naturally, for instant firming and tightening of the skin giving a lighter sensation in the legs as well.This service is priced for the face or the body.Two separate treatments,
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